16 Chaos (Tower)
Upheaval, destruction, transformation
The structure of my life is revolutionized
Show me the pieces of truth and wisdom
To rebuild new foundations in my life
Chaos is the Tower card in traditional decks. This card often causes feelings of fear and anxiety because it depicts upheaval and sudden change. The change brought on by Chaos is often unexpected, quick, and profound. The energy frequently appears dramatic and out of control because it implies cataclysmic, not catastrophic, change.
In Tarot of Empowerment, the Chaos card illustrates the destruction of a bridge amidst the background of fireworks. The destruction is about the false hopes and broken promises represented by the bridge. The fireworks in the background represent the celebration of sudden enlightenment about how to reestablish a new foundation built on truth and wisdom.
Upright: The card Chaos often comes up in a reading when you’ve chosen to stay in your comfort zone rather than to make choices to enhance your growth. Often, you know that a change is necessary but are reluctant to take the next step. When this card comes up, the choice to make a change is no longer yours. You have put yourself in the position to receive a cosmic kick-in-the-ass.
Your foundations are being torn asunder. The rapid, unexpected change may come in the form of work, relationship, or some other aspect of your life. You will most likely find yourself in a position to question your security and your beliefs.
Empowerment: Recognize that the old forms need to be destroyed for you to move forward. Accept that the upheaval is out of your control but that you can create new opportunities from the destruction.
Reversed: Chaos usually represents an event in the physical world, but it can cause a spiritual crisis because the change is so unexpected. As a block, Chaos can indicate that you are resisting change and feeling totally out of control. You may be responding with fear or anger.
Numerology: Chaos is assigned the number 16 and reduces to 7, which is about change and options. The other 7 in the deck is Determination.